Dynamic Half Bl内涵

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Register for non-credit offerings in 峰会学生 Life via Single Sign-In

Register for 1月's for-credit offerings in 横幅 via Single Sign-In

The non-credit offerings of Dynamic Half Bl内涵 提供一个独特的机会,让学生探索兴趣,获得专业知识和技能. 参与其中的许多课程将提高你的能力, making you more competitive for internships, graduate/professional schools, and full-time jobs. 建立你的能力,补充你的成绩单,并发展你的职业准备.

Kaplan registration will open on October 2nd at 8:30 am MT and close on December 4th, 2023 at 5 pm MT. Deposits are due December 4th, 2023. 2023年12月4日之后取消将不会收到退款.  

Wall Street Prep registration will open on October 2nd at 8:30 am MT and close on December 4th, 2023 at 5 pm. Deposits due December 4th, 2023. 2023年12月4日之后取消的将不会收到退款.

2024 Non-Credit Half-Bl内涵 Courses

Kaplan: GRE

日期 & 时间: 学生 will have the ability to select the reoccurring days and times that work best with their schedules. 所有课程将于1月开始,并将根据学生选择的时间表结束. 具体日期和时间将于10月底公布. To view all 课程 dates and times, please click here.

交付: Live Online
Class limit: 30 students max
Description: GRE, Graduate Record Examination, 研究生院录取过程中是否采用了多项选择的标准化考试. There are three sections on the GRE: 口头 Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. 卡普兰提供了针对你最需要关注的部分定制GRE准备的方法. This Half Bl内涵 consists of seven three-hour sessions to prepare you for every aspect of the GRE. 注册的学生可以免费使用卡普兰在线考试资源12个月, which include 180+ hours of content, 7 full-length computer tests, and over 2,500 practice items. 21小时的实时虚拟教学和40小时的选修在线教学, this live online experience would cost over $1,000 if taken on your own. It is offered for a $250 deposit 通过 Dynamic Half Bl内涵. 完成整个课程后,您将获得240美元的退款. 

在科罗拉多大学学习期间,学生有资格参加一次卡普兰GRE半块课程. 申请2024年研究生院的四、三年级学生优先, 其次是大四学生,毕业后申请一年或更长时间,然后是大三学生. Sophomores and First Year 学生 are not eligible. 学生还必须承诺在CC注册2024年春季街区.  

Kaplan: GMAT

日期 & 时间: 学生 will have the ability to select the reoccurring days and times that work best with their schedules. 所有课程将于1月开始,并将根据学生选择的时间表结束. 具体日期和时间将于10月底公布. To view all 课程 dates and times, please click here.

交付: Live Online
Class limit: 10
Description: GMAT, Graduate Management Admission Test, 商学院入学要求参加多项选择的标准化考试吗. GMAT考试有四个部分:分析性写作评估, Integrated Reasoning, 口头, and Quantitative. 卡普兰提供了根据考试内容定制GMAT准备的方法. This Half Bl内涵 consists of 27 hours of live instruction to prepare you for every aspect of the GMAT. 注册学生将获得6个完整的计算机适应GMAT实践考试,超过5个,000个练习题,根据你的表现提供个性化的建议. 如果你自己去,这种现场体验将花费超过1500美元. It is offered for a $250 deposit 通过 Dynamic Half Bl内涵. 完成整个课程后,您将获得240美元的退款. 

在科罗拉多大学学习期间,学生有资格参加一次KAPLAN GMAT半块课程. Seniors will have priority followed by Juniors. Sophomores and First Year 学生 are not eligible. 学生还必须承诺在CC注册2024年春季街区.

Kaplan: LSAT

日期 & 时间: 学生 will have the ability to select the reoccurring days and times that work best with their schedules. 所有课程将于1月开始,并将根据学生选择的时间表结束. To view all 课程 dates and times, please click here.

交付: Live Online
Class limit: 20 students max
Description: As you begin your LSAT prep, 你会在考试中发现三种选择题:阅读理解题, Analytical Reasoning questions, and Logical Reasoning questions. 卡普兰提供了一些方法,可以根据你最需要关注的部分定制你的LSAT准备. 

课程将包括核心教学和个性化教学, 包括32小时的现场互动课程,以及150多小时的补习LSAT频道, elective instruction. 这门课程包括为考试做准备的策略复习. 注册的学生可以免费使用卡普兰在线考试资源12个月, 它包括一个完整的练习测试库(80多个考试)和每个发布的LSAT问题(7,500+),每个问题和每个答案选择都有详细的解释. This 课程 would cost over $1,500 if taken on your own. It is offered for a $250 deposit 通过 Dynamic Half Bl内涵. 完成整个课程后,您将获得240美元的退款. 

在科罗拉多大学学习期间,学生有资格参加一次KAPLAN LSAT半块课程. 2024年报考法学院的4、3年级学生将优先录取, 其次是大四学生,毕业后申请一年或更长时间,然后是大三学生.  Sophomores and First Year 学生 are not eligible. 学生还必须承诺在CC注册2024年春季街区. 


日期 & 时间: 学生 will have the ability to select the reoccurring days and times that work best with their schedules. 所有课程将于1月开始,并将根据学生选择的时间表结束. To view all 课程 dates and times, please click here.

Class limit: 30 students max
Description: Build the stamina and skills necessary to tackle the MCAT. The MCAT has 4 sections: Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems; Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS); Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems; and Psychological, 社会, and Biological Foundations of Behavior. 卡普兰提供了一些方法,可以根据你最需要关注的部分定制你的MCAT准备. 

The 课程 will offer a Half Bl内涵 comprised of fourteen sessions,包括一个诊断检查(这将是一个完整的检查).5 hr), instruction on how to best tackle the four test sections, and strategies to prepare for the sit-down exam. 注册的学生可以免费使用卡普兰在线考试资源12个月, which include 17 full-length exams and over 10,000 MCAT practice items. 这门课程有42小时的实时虚拟教学,如果你自己学习的话,费用将超过3000美元. It is offered for a $250 deposit 通过 Dynamic Half Bl内涵. 完成整个课程后,您将获得240美元的退款. 

在科罗拉多大学学习期间,学生有资格参加一次卡普兰MCAT半块课程. 学生必须注册或计划在2025年春季或夏季参加MCAT考试. 2025年以后报考医学院的大四、三年级学生优先, 其次是大四学生,毕业后申请一年或更长时间,然后是大三学生.  Sophomores and First Year 学生 are not eligible. 学生还必须承诺在CC注册2024年春季街区.

Wall Street Prep

日期 & 时间: 2 days - Thursday, Jan 18 - Friday, Jan 19, 2024. 9am-5pm MT each day.

交付: In person
Class limit: 30 students
Description: Accounting & Financial Statement Modeling Liberal Arts Seminar: 为期两天的强化培训课程,让文科生学习财务会计, financial modeling in Excel, and technical interview prep using a hands-on, case-study approach. This 课程 would cost over $1899 if taken on your own. It is offered for a $100 deposit 通过 Dynamic Half Bl内涵. 在完成整个课程后,您将获得95美元的退款. 

Curriculum/Wall Street Prep Advantage: 

  • 要求的前期工作:Excel和会计在线速成课程  
  • Day 1: Accounting & Financial Statement Analysis; Financial Statement Modeling in Excel 
  • Day 2: Introduction to Valuation; and Technical Interview Prep 

For-Credit Career Center Course

This year, the Career Center will be offering 一个 for-credit half bl内涵 2024 课程. 学生ts可以 招收 通过 横幅 via Single Sign-In.

1月 8th-18th 9 am-12pm

本课程旨在向您介绍计划和组织工作/实习搜索策略的基础知识. We will begin with understanding individual talents, reflecting on your own motivated skills, values and interests. Organizations hire because they have talent needs, you will identify an industry of interest, 研究, 批判性地分析你的个人才能和行业的组织需求之间的一致性. 

本课程将使你有信心探索职业. 了解你的才能将帮助你找到与你一致的机会,并通过开发引人注目的个人营销材料为它们做好准备. 你也会更深入地了解影响职业/工作选择的其他因素,比如个人预算, 位置, living standards, and salaries.

Report an issue - Last updated: 06/05/2024